Consumer Behavior Research in the Marketing Field in the Last Five Years: Literature Review
consumer behavior, marketing, systematic literature reviewAbstract
Introduction. In recent years, research about consumer behavior has not lost its relevance in the face of increased competition and global economic change. In the marketing field specialists are also constantly looking for new solutions that scientists are researching in consumer behavior and vice versa. Modern research on consumer behavior in the market has been conducted mainly by scientists in the USA, Germany and the United Kingdom. It should be noted that a large part of the research is based on the study of psychological and social aspects of consumer behavior, but less on the modeling and prediction of consumer behavior. Purpose and methods. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of marketing on consumer behavior, including special attention to different age groups if they have been studied over the last five years and to answer the question – what is the role of marketing in customer behavior? To address the research question, the author conducted a systematic review of the literature following the rules proposed by David Denyer and David Tranfield. The process of the systematic literature review followed in this study aims to identify the relevant literature related to consumer behavior in relation to marketing and select and synthesize the themes with respect to the research question in a transparent, complete and rigorous manner. Results. Over the last five years, from 2018 to the beginning of 2022, research on consumer behavior in relation to different marketing directions has been studied extensively and in different countries. Marketing provides opportunities not only to learn about consumers, but also to tailor activities to appeal to new and existing products. Research has shown that green marketing seeks to change consumer behavior to make it more sustainable. Conclusions. Researchers' studies on consumer behavior is becoming more relevant. The role of marketing in consumer behavior is important regardless of the industry, country and customer age.
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