Psychological Stability and Coping Strategies of a Fashion Business Manager as Determinants of Effective Overcoming Difficult Management Situations
psychological stability, coping strategies, coping behaviour, coping resources, fashion business manager, communicative and managerial activityAbstract
Introduction. The relevance of studying the problem of the formation of a person's psychological stability and his choice of coping strategies for overcoming difficult life and professional situations in a state of uncertainty and social challenges is due to the “social demand” on the part of modern managers-practitioners. Purpose and methods. The purpose of this article is the theoretical analysis of the psychological stability phenomenon as a personal property, and the justification of its interdependence with the coping strategies chosen by the individual in everyday and professional environment. The methodological basis of this research is a genetic-psychological approach to the study of the possessive behaviour phenomenon. Research results. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of forming the psychological stability of a fashion business manager is carried out. Coping strategies are described as tools for realizing the psychological stability in managing fashion business. Psychological stability is considered as an open system, the level of development of which is manifested in professional activity and is a synthesis of individual qualities. Conclusions. The scientific novelty consists in deepening the understanding of the psychological stability importance for the effectiveness of managerial decision-making by managers in fashion business field. The practical significance of research results lies in the possibility of choosing optimal coping strategies in professional life through students training, who master educational programmes with a powerful practical component.
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