Entrepreneurship: Theory, Genesis, Socio-Cultural Dimensions and Strategies
entrepreneurship, socio-cultural dimensions, strategiesAbstract
Introduction. In terms of economic relations transformation in Ukraine, entrepreneurship, which today, to a certain extent, goes beyond the scope of usual economic functions and roles, and is a socio-cultural phenomenon with its own history and civilizational specificity, occupies a special place. Given this, it should be considered not only as an economic category but also as a system of values and a special cultural phenomenon. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of entrepreneurship as a unique phenomenon, which will deepen the understanding of its essence, socio-cultural dimensions, and strategies at various stages of society's historical development. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical principle of cognition, systemic, historical, cultural, and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of organizational phenomena in society. Results. The history of the scientific opinion formation about entrepreneurship is considered. Socio-cultural principles and strategies of entrepreneurship are revealed. The cultural and historical factors of the entrepreneur's personality formation have been identified. The entrepreneurship functions and the role of an entrepreneur in society are analyzed. Determinants of activation and prospects for entrepreneurial activity development are determined. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the cultural deepening of the understanding of the entrepreneurship essence as a unique socio-cultural phenomenon at various stages of the historical development of human society. The significance of the research is manifested in the addition of science with new theoretical provisions on entrepreneurship, as well as in the possibility of using them in the process of professional training of entrepreneurs and managers.
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