Archive of Published Issues: 2023
Front Matter
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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:
Journal URL | |
Title | Socio-Cultural Management Journal |
Publisher | Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts |
Description | “Socio-Cultural Management Journal" is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal of open access, which covers current problems of theory, history, culture and art of management of socio-cultural activities. |
ISSN | 2709-9571 |
Language(s) | English (en_US) Українська (uk_UA) |
Publisher Email | |
Copyright | The authors retain copyrights to the work and at the same time grant the magazine the right to first publish it under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution License, which allows other persons to freely distribute the published work with a mandatory reference to its authors and its first publication. The author of the published article has the right to distribute information about it and to post references to work in the electronic repository of the institution. |
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