Civilizational Paradigm of the Study of Management Culture Phenomenon: Theoretical and Methodological Aspect
civilization, management culture, bifurcation, paradigmAbstract
Introduction. The development of management as a cultural phenomenon is inextricably linked to the development of world civilization. Moreover, civilization is a kind of driving force for changing management culture. Therefore, the development of a civilizational paradigm for studying management culture is certainly an urgent scientific problem. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to provide a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the civilizational paradigm for studying the phenomenon of management culture. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical principle of cognition, system-synergetic, historical and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of social phenomena and organizational processes in society. Results. The basic theories of the study of civilization are considered. A two-dimensional approach to the study of civilization as a form of movement of social matter is revealed. The role and mechanisms of bifurcation of civilization as a driving force for the restructuring of society and management culture are revealed. The structure, characteristics and patterns of change in the world civilization and management culture of post-industrial society are determined. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the substantiation of the civilizational paradigm of management research as a socio-cultural phenomenon, which allows to comprehend the deep essence, analyze the genesis and predict possible directions of future development of civilization and management culture. The significance of the study lies in the addition to the science of new provisions on the study of management culture based on the civilizational paradigm, as well as in the possibility of using them in the process of professional training of managers.
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