The Culture of Economic Life of Society: Structure, Functions, Management
culture of economic life, structure, functionsAbstract
Introduction. The global processes taking place in modern society require a high level of generalization, new methodological approaches, and the development of philosophical and cultural concepts that adequately reflect the rapidly changing economic reality. In the context of the transition to post-industrialism, the study of the essence and role of economic culture, its structure, and functions is now extremely relevant. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to provide a philosophical and cultural conceptualization of the dynamic nature of society's economic life, which will allow deepening the understanding of the structure and functions of economic culture and the system of economic management. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical principle of cognition, systemic, cultural, historical, and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of organizational phenomena and processes, as well as the activity approach which explains the motivation of human economic activity. Results. The main structural levels of culture in the economic life of society are identified and characterized. The main functions of economic culture in the socio-cultural system of society are determined. The regularities of cultural functions at different stages of the historical development of society are revealed, and their impact on the economic management system and regulation is analyzed. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in deepening the understanding of the essence of the economic culture of society, defining its structure and main functions. The significance of the study is manifested in the addition of cultural science with new theoretical provisions on the culture of society's economic life, as well as in the possibility of using them in the process of training managers and entrepreneurs of economic organizations.
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