The Management Culture: Philosophical and Cultural Understanding
management culture, components of culture, qualitative levels of cultureAbstract
Introduction. The radical changes that are taking place today under the influence of globalization lead to serious claims to the theory of management, because it does not fully take into account the essence of the management object – a person based on culture, as something irrational and difficult to express, in general, in some rational and measurable forms. However, as it turns out, there are no special tools or developed methodology for working with an individual as a carrier of a particular culture in management theory. In this regard, the problem of management culture becomes relevant. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is a philosophical and cultural understanding of the culture of management as a phenomenon of society's harmonious organization. The methodological basis of the study is dialectical, metaphysical, systemic, and cultural approaches to the study of organizational phenomena and processes. Results. The etymology of the term “management culture” is considered. Cognitive features are determined, and the generalizing definition of the phenomenon of management culture is substantiated. The structural components of management culture are analyzed: rational, irrational, and empirical culture. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research results is to deepen the understanding of the nature of the management culture phenomenon and to determine its essence, structural components, and quality levels. The significance of the study is manifested in the addition of science to new theoretical provisions on the culture of management as a phenomenon of harmonious organization of social life, as well as the possibility of using them in managers’ training.
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