Visualization and Virtualization of Art as New Dimension of Communicative Interaction and Social Management System
visualization, virtualization, massovization, information technologies, communication, self-expression, social managementAbstract
Introduction. “Visual turn” in art has determined the specifics of the civilized development of modern society. Information technology and virtual nature of the visual space development have influenced not only the language of communication but in general the entire system of social management. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the influence of modern visual art on our everyday life, opportunities for self-expression, communication, and social management. Methodological basis of the study is presented by historical, axiological, comparative, system and structural, formal and logical methods. Results. The article considers the modern reading of the visual image, its demand in modern culture, the reasons, and backgrounds of the “visual turn” in art, which has led to the diffusion of high and low in art, synthesis of creativity, and everyday life. The influence of communication virtualization, urbanization of the society and massification of culture on the formation of the individual's visual space and picture of the world are proved. Conclusions. Both positive and negative aspects of such social and cultural transformation in the process of contemporary art visualization are substantiated. The article proves that visualization of art through advertising, fashion, performance, industrial design is becoming the most important factor in social management and determination of consumers', social and cultural, ideological matrix of individual behavior. Under conditions of this hypertrophied visual component of everyday life, constructing and modeling of the newest methods of visual literacy and culture formation are justified.
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