Management of the Library Socio-Cultural Activities in Terms of Information and Communication Changes
information and communication changes, library, socio-cultural activities, Central Library System “Svichado”, socio-cultural projects, online projects, social networksAbstract
Introduction. The relevance of the problem of managing the library’s socio-cultural activities is associated with information and communication changes in society, which require the library practices formation, non-standard solutions development, the emergence of new ideas for library activities. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to develop scientific provisions and practical recommendations for managing socio-cultural activities of the library in terms of information and communication changes. These changes will provide new opportunities for high-quality cross-border information interaction of library with users, simplify access to library resources and services simplify access to library resources and services and, as a result, promotes a positive image, improve the libraries’ quality and efficiency. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical principle of cognition, systemic, historical, terminological, cognitive, cultural approaches to the study of management processes of socio-cultural activities of the library during the period of information and communication changes in society. Results. The existing approaches to the terminology field of library science in different historical periods are systematized. The libraries’ role and functions in the socio-cultural development of the individual are studied. Traditional and innovative types of activity in the central library system “Svichado” are determined, their efficiency is investigated. The sociological study results show that for effective library operation in the information and communication space, it is necessary to improve the skills of librarians and establish time norms that would regulate the activities of social networks. Conclusions. Management of libraries’ socio-cultural activities, in the conditions of information and communication, changes will allow reaching a new, high-quality level, and promotes the library development under the modern society requirements.
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