library, image, management, image qualities, components of the external image, public relationsAbstract
Introduction. In modern scientific research of the social communications in general and the library science in particular, the issues of forming the image of the modern library in accordance with the requirements of the today's life have recently become relevant. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the study is to consider the features and components of the external image of the modern library and develop recommendations for its improvement. The traditional set of general scientific principles (determinism, reflection, unity of opposites) and methods (formal-logical, conceptual and functional analysis, content analysis, synthesis, abstraction, etc.) are used to solve the research tasks. Results. The article elucidates the fundamental qualities of the library's image. The system of factors influencing the image of the modern library is determined. The components of the external image of the library are analyzed and recommendations for its improvement are highlighted. Conclusions. A positive image is the result of the effective activities, covering processes from the study of the public opinion, inquiries of the library service users, which should be based on the serious social research, to the implementation of these inquiries by influencing both employees and service consumers. It is impossible to separate from the previous image; it is necessary to provide its radically new interpretation. That is why the formation of the image of a modern library is appropriate to make on the basis of the clear positive components of the existing database with the addition of the new characteristics that meet modern realities that need to be rethought, interpreted within a new image concept.References
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