project, socio-cultural activity, management of socio-cultural sphere, art project, directing of art projectsAbstract
Introduction. Modern transformational processes in the socio-cultural sphere are due to the rapid spread of technologies that shape the personality of the future specialist in art institutions of higher education in Ukraine. A specific feature of directing art projects is the ability to expand the range of a certain worldview, to create conditions for the effective acquisition of professional knowledge and skills in the training future managers of socio-cultural activities. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to identify current trends in the use of directing art projects in the training managers for the socio-cultural sphere. The research used systematic and methodological-didactic approaches, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and empirical methods, which proposed the structure of the discipline in the relationship of its main elements and determinants. Results. The main results of the research are to substantiate the need to introduce the direction of art projects in the system training managers of socio-cultural activities and use modern directing technologies in the socio-cultural sphere. Conclusions. In conditions of a modern institution in higher education, scientific provisions on the importance of directing in the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, which allow to addition, identify and form the value competencies and competitiveness of the future manager of socio-cultural activities. Promising in the future is the study of favorable environment of the institution higher education in which the formation of the future manager of socio-cultural activities by way of directing art projects.References
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